Category: Construction -> Installations -> Pipe work contractors
Country: All countries
  Pressure plastic pipes are fabricated in PN 10, 16, and 20 and series of the
materials as follows: PPR type 3 polypropylene random copolymer in grey colour, featuring high flexibility and excellent pressure resistance - for hot water and floor heating distribution systems; for exports in any colour desired by the foreign customer. LDPE low pressure polyethylene in black colour - for industrial distribution systems, branches and irrigation systems.
ãHYDROPLAST®Ò tubing advantages:
a) minimum[...]  Details...  kabina sanitarna wc z możliwością podłączenia do sieci wodno-kanalizacyjnej, wyposażona w sedes ceramiczny, dolnopłuk i umywalkę.
Materiał-laminat szkło-poliestrowy.
Cena brutto 2320,00 zł.[...]  Details...   Pressure plastic pipes are fabricated in PN 10, 16, and 20 and series of the
materials as follows: PPR type 3 polypropylene random copolymer in grey colour, featuring high flexibility and excellent pressure resistance - for hot water and floor heating distribution systems; for exports in any colour desired by the foreign customer. LDPE low pressure polyethylene in black colour - for industrial distribution systems, branches and irrigation systems.
ãHYDROPLAST®Ò tubing advantages:
a) minimum[...]  Details...   Pressure plastic pipes are fabricated in PN 10, 16, and 20 and series of the
materials as follows: PPR type 3 polypropylene random copolymer in grey colour, featuring high flexibility and excellent pressure resistance - for hot water and floor heating distribution systems; for exports in any colour desired by the foreign customer. LDPE low pressure polyethylene in black colour - for industrial distribution systems, branches and irrigation systems.
ãHYDROPLAST®Ò tubing advantages:
a) minimum[...]  Details...   Pressure plastic pipes are fabricated in PN 10, 16, and 20 and series of the
materials as follows: PPR type 3 polypropylene random copolymer in grey colour, featuring high flexibility and excellent pressure resistance - for hot water and floor heating distribution systems; for exports in any colour desired by the foreign customer. LDPE low pressure polyethylene in black colour - for industrial distribution systems, branches and irrigation systems.
ãHYDROPLAST®Ò tubing advantages:
a) minimum[...]  Details...  Rury z tworzywa sztucznego, głównie polipropylenu typ-3 w odcinkach 3 i 4-metrowych do zimnej i ciepłej wody użytkowej w przedziałach ciśnieniowych PN 10, PN 16 i PN 20 oraz rury stabilizowane z wkładką aluminiową stosowane z powodzeniem do centralnego ogrzewania.[...]  Details...  Kształtki z tworzyw sztucznych, głównie z polipropylenu z gwintami mosiężnymi w przedziale ciśnieniowym PN 20 do dystrybucji ciepłej i zimnej wody użytkowej w rozmiarach od 16 do 110[...]  Details...  Zawory kulowe i grzybkowe PP-R typ 3 do dystrybucji wody użytkowej w różnych rozmiarach[...]  Details...  Narzędzia firmowe do instalacji systemów zgrzewanych z polipropylenu typ-3 takie jak zgrzewarki trzpieniowe, nasadki na zgrzewarki, norzyce do rur[...]  Details...  Hydraulically Superior End Sections for Culverts
As a professional manufacturer of corrugated metal pipes, we also supply quality ends sections based on the requirements of your projects. Our end sections are lightweight and flexible steel constructions designed to improve inlet and outlet hydraulically efficiency of culverts and storm sewers. Thus, liquid can be channeled into and out of pipes more efficiently and headwater can be controlled in better condition. Meanwhile, end sections protect[...] Details...